航空航天学院关于美国阿克伦大学Ernian Pan教授学术报告的通知


报告题目Some Fundamental Dislocation Solutions in Anisotropic and Layered Structures

报告人:Ernian Pan Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Akron)
报告时间及地点: 20106月10日下午2:00 第十二教学楼,118会议室
Anisotropic and layered systems exist in nanoscale quantum devices as well as in conventional macroscale structures. There are natural and manmade anisotropic and layered structures. These structures are grown or fabricated for special property demands. Yet, material anisotropy and layering pose great challenges both theoretically and computationally, and so far no reliable modeling tool is available for these complicated yet extremely useful structures.
In this talk, I will first briefly review the current research works being carried out in my group. These include multilayered flexible pavements, quantum nanostructures (quantum wells, wires, and dots) and multiphase (particularly multiferroic) materials and composites. I will then present some fundamental dislocation solutions in 2D and 3D full, half, and bimaterial spaces. Numerical examples will be given for dislocation arrays in anisotropic layered plates and dislocation dipoles in wire composites.
Ernian Pan received his BS and MS degrees from China (Lanzhou University and Beijing University) and his PhD from University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the University of Akron in 2002 and is currently a professor with a primary appointment in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Ernian Pan’s teaching and research are in continuum mechanics and computational methods with applications to earth science and modern engineering problems including earth deformation due to surface and internal loadings, mechanical and electronic properties of nanoscale quantum heterostructures, and mangetoelectric effect in multiferroics composites. He has published over 180 peer-reviewed journal articles and is a reviewer for many different journals.